Decoding Scents: Your Beginner's Guide to Finding Your Perfect Perfume

Perfume Guide for Beginners by Azzah Perfume

Perfume in general is referred to as anything that spreads a calming aroma.

Perfume is derived from the latin word ‘Per Fumus’, that means through smoke. In ancient times the art of perfuming was different and was used only by royals or influential personalities.

Today perfume has become a way of self expression and an essential for personal hygiene and self care. It is really important for anyone to smell fresh in order to leave a long lasting impression.

Lets understand the basics of Perfumes in order to make it easy for anyone to understand the science behind this art. 
There are three major points that can make you understand your perfume better as these are the main factors in affecting the costs as well.  
  • Concentration
  • Notes
  • Type



Before choosing any fragrance make sure you know the concentration and you are aware of what you are buying. As this could be the most confusing aspect for any beginner. It in simple words refer to the quantity of oil in any perfume. 
Majorly there are five different concentrations of fragrance ranging from highest to the lowest : Parfum, Eau De Parfum (EDP), Eau De Toilette (EDT), Eau De Cologne (EDC) and Mist.


It is considered as the most expensive scent with the highest concentration of perfume oils, ranging somewhere between 20% to 40% of oil content. It can also be refered as ‘pure perfume’. A Parfum would be more stronger, heavier and oilier than others on the list. As it contains less alcohol, it is suitable for people with sensitive skin and for people who want their perfume to last longer. From anywhere between 6 to 8 hours, sometimes even for more than 24 hours.


This is next on the list with the concentration of 15% - 20% oil content and usually lasts for 4 to 5 hours. While it has more water and alcohol still it lasts fairly longer sometimes more than 10 hours as well because of higher amount of fragrance oil. However it is on a little affordable side. 


This is a lighter formulla with a concentration between 5%-15%. It is far most popular one because of the price. However cannot be mistaken as a parfum as the oil concentration is fairly less. It would last for 2 - 4 hours and may fade away faster depending on the notes. 


Yet another light concentration with a misconception that is is a masculine scent. It can be masculine or feminine depending on what you choose. It’ll last only 2 hours or so as the concentration is between 2%-5%. 


Extremely light and the most affordable of all. This refreshing form of scent contains only 1%-3% of oil, less alcohol and more water and can last upto 2 hours max. 



This aspect of a perfume helps you identify your signature scent and helps in describing your perfume and whether you would enjoy wearing it or not. This plays a major part in understanding a perfume better . 
A good perfume comprises of ‘TOP NOTE’, ‘MIDDLE NOTE’ and ‘BASE NOTE’

TOP NOTES (also known as head notes)

This is the top layer of your perfume or the aroma you’ll detect first. It is the most significant part of a perfume as it derives the first impression and may fade away in the next 15-20 minutes making room for the other notes. The most common top notes are lemon, orange, bergamot, lavender, rose, berries or aqua tones. Anything light and refreshing can be the top note. 

MIDDLE NOTES (also known as heart notes)

Makes their presence felt once the top notes starts fading. They work to retain the initial scent while also improving the scents of the base note. As the name suggests they are the heart of any fragrance and will stay till the fragrance completely fades away. The most common 'middle notes' are jasmine, neroli, slang-ylang, lemon grass, cinnamon. Something with is more fuller and impactful. 


Appears once the middle notes starts to fade down. They act as a foundation to the lighter yet most powerful notes. They tend to evaporate slow, hence are the most long-lasting among all. They tend to appear after atlas 30 mins. Base notes are rich, heavy, intense thus adding a depth to the fragrance by blending with the middle notes leaving an unforgettable impact. Some popular base notes are vanilla, amber, cedar wood, sandalwood, musk and ager wood. 
Top notes open first and lets the middle notes take the centre stage. Once middle notes starts fading base notes take over creating an unforgettable aroma experience. It's very important to choose the right notes to create a harmony of fragrance and to create a never ending impact.

Fragrance Type




The four key olfactory families are floral, oriental, woody and fresh.


This by far is the most popular and best selling family of perfumes. More on the feminine side this is loved by all and is the safest bet. This family can be divided into four sub categories ,’FRUITY’ (edible, tropical fruit scents such as pineapple, pear, peach or berries), ‘FLORALl’ ( freshly cut flower aromas such as rose, lily, lilac), ‘SOFT FLORAL’ (soft , powdery and creamy aromas such as jasmine and lavender), ‘FLORAL ORIENTAL’(a blend of primarily floral and subtly spicy scents such as orange blossom , bergamot). An example for floral would be ‘DESIRE'. 


Aromas that are rich, exotic and spicy fall under this category. It is generally full and seductive. This family has three sub categories ‘SOFT ORIENTAL’(primarily spicy and subtly floral such as anise), ‘ORIENTAL’(sweet , warm and spicy scents such as vanilla , cinnamon and musk), and ‘WOODY ORIENTAL’(sweet , spicy and earthy scents such as myrrh and oud). An example of oriental fragrance is ROYAL OUD


Warn, rich and earthy is the definition for this family. Any aroma that strikes a perfect balance between bitter and sweet. It can be soft and creamy or cool and earthy and can be layered with pretty much anything. It can be classified into three sub families ‘WOODY’(warm , dry and highly aromatic ingredients such as sandalwood, cedar and patchouli), ‘MOSSY WOOD’ (earthy , smooth and sweet scents such as amber and oak moss) and ‘DRY WOODS’ (a striking balance between smoky and leathery scents such as vetiver). An example of woody aromas would be BOLD.


Refreshing, clean and bright aromas fall under this category. For a more impactful aroma it can be paired with some spicy fragrance. It is more fruity, more zesty and has four sub families. ‘AROMATIC’ (Bright, woody and slightly floral scents such as sage), ‘CITRUS’ (zesty and tangy such as Mandarin and grapefruit), ‘AQUA ( fresh and oceanic notes such as calone) and ‘GREENS’ (uplifting , fresh natural scents such as water lily , green leaves ). A perfect example would be FRENCH MORNING and

Finding a perfect perfume is an intimate and a very personal process and often needs a lot of experimentation. Choosing a scent is a journey that you’ll love. 
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